What is wrong with American business?

OK, I can’t answer that question in a couple of paragraphs.  Let me say there are many good businesses in the U.S.A..  But when I hear of some dumb things a business does I can tell you what is wrong with one of them.

Let me admit now, I read NRA magazines.  This is not bad.  It is not something I need a ten step program to ween myself off.  This is a good read.  I read mostly “America’s First Freedom”, I can find some truth and reporting I cannot find in the PC (politically correct) rags I find in my home town.

Don’t quote me on the specific facts but the story is correct the best I can remember it.  A man heard screams outside his apartment from a woman saying she had been shot.  Being the type to help he ran out of the apartment and found her shot in the leg.  He helped stop the bleeding and may have saved her leg if not her life.  A good citizen, and good samaritan.  He should be commended.  Instead he was fired from his job.  He worked as a leasing agent at those apartments.  They fired him because he took a shotgun to the scene of the shooting.  As many people would do if they heard shots had been fired he grabbed a weapon to protect himself as he went to help the woman.  Sounds smart to me.

What is wrong with a business that would be so PC they would condemn a person who was willing to help and smart enough to protect himself.  What has come over people who would fire a person for doing good.  Now you may have to think about getting involved because it may mean your life may be taken or harm could come to you that you had the means to avoid.

If I lived in Florida and rented from or was going to rent from these people I would find another place.  A company that will not give a At-A-Boy to someone who does good,  does not need to be  rewarded with cash in the form of rent.  A company who is so stupid they don’t recognize the need for self defense in a situation like this should not be rewarded with my cash in the form of rent.  Let them go broke and maybe they will wake up to the simple truth you cannot create rules that hinder common sense.

American business needs to listen to the silent majority.  The silent majority need to spend their cash with places that support what they believe in.  You can vote with your pocket book.  I like to think that I was responsible for K-Marts financial woos a few years ago.  I refused to go in their place after they stopped selling guns and hired Rosie as their spokes person.  I have not bought anything in there since and have told others why I did not go in there.  Hopefully likeminded people did the same thing.

We can change the world with our cash.  PC places can go broke and others with better values, patriotism, and common sense will take their place.

Ain’t God Good

Where else would you rather be?  Someone will give me their favorite destination.  Someone may even pick some place besides our nation.  Let’s speak broadly — I want to be Only in America.  It is obvious by our immigration problem many other people want to be here also.  I cannot think of anywhere else I want to be.  Yes we have problems, we created them:  just give me the good old U.S.A.

God has blessed us!

Forget all the problems and start looking on the bright side.

I cannot think of a place that has more freedom than this place.  There are places where just to express some of the things we write or say you are in jeopardy of life or freedom.  One of the reasons people want to get here is to experience our freedom.

I want to be here because as a nation we are among the most prosperous.  Check out how our poor live and they are better off than many  in the world.  God has blessed us.  Sure everyone wants more.  I am thankful for what I have.  I work to get more.  There is room for improvement.  Face the facts we have much.

I want to be here because I can dream.  I can dream of being freer, (more free).  I can dream of being richer.  I can dream of doing anything.  If my dreams are beat down it is because I listen to the wrong people or I let my own negative attitude destroy my dreams.

I want to be here because I can try to make my dreams come true.  Think about it – as long as I don’t attack someone and try to steal from them I can work to build my dreams.  Our history has proven that the poorest can be rich.  The lowest can be leaders.  The least can be greatest.  All they have to do is work harder than anyone else.

You may die with little.  But your dreams cannot be taken away from you.  As long as you live you can try to achieve something in the U.S.A..  God is good.  This is where I want to be!

How Did They Do It 200 Years Ago?

It is hot today!  Sure you can find some place hotter but 100 plus is hot no matter where you are.  Add the humidity of Louisiana and you have a miserable day.  It takes to well after dark to cool down in the low 80’s.  When you wake up it is warm and by noon you have a hot day.

Today many have a/c units that keep them cool.  Some less fortunate only have fans, which is like a convection oven, just pushing hot air around, when it is hot.  I am thankful to the man who invented air conditioning.

Just imagine what it was like 200 years ago before we had such a great comfort.  For years before I was able to afford a/c I would sweat all day, come home and sit in a hot house, sleep with windows open and wake up on wet sheets to start the next day.  Sure we could go somewhere to cool down and on occasion we did.  We had a taste of life before a/c.

I jumped in the pick up today and grabbed the hot steering wheel – it could burn your pinkies.  I know it was more than the proverbial 120 in the shade.  It was hot as hades.  I let down the windows and let the hot air come in and cool down the hotter air and in the same stroke turned on high the a/c.  Yes it took 3 miles to cool down the wheel but the rest of the trip was getting better.  I like this machine.

I would hear about the good old days but this is one of the good new days I want to keep.  Give me the comfort of A/C.  My wife likes washing machine, dishwashers, and A/C.  I can’t blame her.  I like lots of the new days when it comes to comforts.  We need to preserve the good of the old days and get keep the best of the new days – But that’s another story.

Our Civil Liberties

Maybe somebody missed me, I don’t know.  It has been awhile since I signed on.  I added a new phase to my life recently and it has taken a lot of time.  I hope I can keep a post on here with regularity.  This post is something I took up to vent my opinions.  My new challenge is more preventative, or better said proactive.

My new venture has required some study of law.  It is amazing how our forefathers gave us a document that has built a nation with more freedom than any country I can think of.  The hand of God guided these men to write out a constitution that framed government for more than 200 years with little change.

If we would do away with judicial law — law created by judges — and stick to our constitution;  if we would keep our federal government in check — stronger state government;  if men would uphold their oaths to protect the constitution;  if men would realize a government that can do anything for you can do anything to you: I believe that we would have a great place to live.

Before that happens we must see more people involve in the process of government.  We must get away from the mentality of saying, “the men we send to Washington,” and start thinking like these people represent me and I want someone who will look out for my interest.  When people become involved with their government they will demand things they desire: and if that does not happen they will not send them back or will recall them as needed.

(You can substitute for Washington, Baton Rouge or your state capitol, or your city or parish or county government.)

When we see things that need to be done we need to do them.  You have a moral and civic reponsibility to be involved.  Don’t complain if everything around you is turning to garbage and you do not take a stand.  If your roads are bad and you don’t call them in –don’t complain.  If you see someone breaking the law and you don’t help stop them –don’t complain about crime.  If you do something about what is happening around you you would be surprised how many others have the same concerns.

Our civil liberty is, we are the government.  If we consent to it, government will control us.  If we control government, in the mannar our forefathers set forth, we will remain free.

I Wish

I wish I could have more hours in a day.  I wish I could have more energy to do what I need to do when I don’t want to tackle it.  It would be nice to wish I was independently wealthy.  I know I have had thoughts I should have put up here, but I did not take the time to put them down.  It seems I like to have money to spend and when I have the chance I earn it.  When I get in late I don’t want to sit down and spend a hour typing and my mind often shuts down before my body does.

I am glad I live here in America where I can get ahead and I do have enough time to do more than work.  To be truthful when I have too much time I try to fill it up with something to do, which is one of the reasons I seem short on time.

I heard an old song on the tv today about waking up and not hearing about another killing or theft.  I wish I could wake up and not hear of the assualts on our way of life.  It is bad enough that we have people committing felonies to support drug habits or just out of meanness.  I wish I could wake up and not hear of our leaders who want to take away my rights, tax me more, or commit treasonous acts in times of war.  I wish I could wake up and not hear of groups of people who want to kill me and mine because their religion thinks we are the devil.

Since I have not seen the day those wishes have came true I hereby resolve to keep up the fight.  I will speak up, write and act to try to put an end to these aggressions.  Now I wish to have the strength to continue the battle.  It is time for all patriots to stand up and be counted.  Make your voices heard.  Take action when you can and support the ones who are on the front lines of the war on our way of life in America.

What is wrong with journalism?

What is wrong with modern journalism?

Last year I had my last newspaper delivered to my house.  Yes my wife fussed, she does not get the sales paper and a few recipes on Wednesday.  I got the satisfaction of not giving the liberal rag any more money.  I get on the Internet and find news and look more at what is considered illegitimate journalism. (something they did not write)

Without going to a dictionary here is my definition of some words:

Newspaper — a reporting of facts.  Telling both sides of an issue and letting readers decide the relevance of the information.

Editorial — opinion.  Everybody has one:  Sort of like navels, but what good are they but for collecting lint.

Liar — one who does not tell the truth, the whole truth, you can tell the truth but leave out the facts that will make it easy for people to make up their mind, thus creating a lie.  Courts recognize this because they make you swear to tell the whole truth.

What is wrong with journalism?  Someone who has the power to finalize the news, does not tell the whole truth.  How do I know this?  I have seen them print a editorial I sent in leaving out phrases and sentences that changed the meaning of what I wrote.  I have watched news being made and saw them leave out facts that changed the story.

If they will do this to me I know they will do it to any story that does not meet their agenda.  Take our war in Iraq, they make out that we are loosing there.  I don’t want to make light of our dead but one marker of whether you are winning or loosing is who kills the most.  I have heard reports about how many of ours die everyday, you have to look far and wide in the mainstream press to see how many of the enemy are killed.  Consider, 25 to 30 days a month we hear how bad the economy is — once or twice a month the report comes out that things are looking good and they don’t know how to print it. Do I have to remind you that anytime a gun is used in a crime it is an assault weapon.  These guys need to learn what a real assault weapon is.  Do you ever hear everytime a weapon is used to stop a crime?  It is so seldom you hear about it you are shocked to even see it.  You can finish this part with your examples.

Here is how you correct the problem with journalism.  Tell the whole truth without editorial, (your opinion)!  Maybe we will start buying your paper again.

Just so you don’t think I have no sense of humor I am including this ditty someone sent me.  There is some good points here.

. . . Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately;

 illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida . . . Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It’s a win-win situation.+ Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. + Send the dirt to New Orleans

to raise the level of the levies. + Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.

Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?
(we even have a couple of gators to send to the moat captured this week)

Why London?

You don’t have to be a prophet to predict where terrorist will attack.  As in any war I may not know the exact location – that is what makes war planning an imperfect skill.  I could have told England beware.  Think for a moment what happened last week in England.  The house that the Prime Minister stays in got a new occupant.  The terrorist are testing the waters.  They want to see if the will of the people has been changed.  The English need to attack the first terrorist they find.  To put an end to terrorism, instead of talking withdrawal from Iraq they need to double or triple the troops and begin to fight on other fronts also.

Just like when we change Presidents, a change of Prime Minister is a new ruler.  When we changed presidents last what happened, 9/11.  Before that what has been the pattern?  This last time we woke up and since then, thank God and those He uses here to guard us, we have not had a major battle on the home front.  The lack of attacks on our soil is why our citizens have been loosing the memory of 9/11.  Beware, after these elections next year and the new president takes office you can expect some attacks, to test the will of the people.

Don’t think for a moment that we are safe till after the next inaguration.  I said war planning is an imperfect skill.  If the enemy thinks they can destroy our will to fight they will do something sooner.  No sane person wants war!  Every free man who wants to remain free must be willing to water the fields of freedom with his blood.  In my early years the saying, “Better Red than dead,” was uttered by the so called peace activist.  They were wrong.  Todays aggressor does not want to just control you, their desire is to destroy your way of life, (even your right to disagree) before they destroy you, the infidel.

Only in America do I know of a place you can look to to see what it cost to preserve the freedoms we have.  It is a sobering place called Arlington.  The rows of markers will make the strongest of us mourn.  I don’t want to see another marker placed there.  But given the chance this old man will try to do his part to give my grandchildren the peace my grandparents sacrifed to give me.  If it means I must be below that next marker.

You want more gun control – use both hands

What can we do?  who should we watch? what can be done?

We have to be vigilant of who is taxing us.  We have to watch those who are trying to let people enter illegally into our country.  Don’t forget they are trying to take away our rights of free speech, a.k.a voting reform.  Beware of those who want to disarm the citizens (citizen – poor choice of words if we are disarmed, try subjects).

They call it gun control ( meanings of words change).  There is no gun control, just weapon restrictions.  Some weapons look fierce so they must go first.  Some are more powerful so they must be banned.  Then others must be given permission to own a weapon.  Let me put this in plain language — there are those who don’t want you to have the means to defend yourself from those who want to harm you.

A few simple points and you will see where I stand:

Guns do not hurt anyone.  Set that gun on the table and see if it can do any damage.  Let me remind you those who want to hurt you will use any means they have.  Remember, recently a jealous woman ran a car over her husband, do we put restrictions on cars.  Just recently in this town a person was stabbed by a kitchen knife, do we restrict kitchen utensils.  What about fire, do we control matches.  Let’s not forget box cutters, fertilizer, poisons and ball bats.  Just a few days ago they beat a man to death for helping a man who ran over a child.  None of the objects used hurt anyone it was the people who did the damage. They may have used tools to do harm, but we don’t ban tools.

A sign of a free man is the right to defend himself and the possession of the weapons to do the job.  Look at every society and tell me the one you want to live in under every condition.  Tell me did that society have the right to arms and to defend themselves?  They were free men.  Opressed people are disarmed.  Tell me who is truly free and not able to have arms.  Every ruler who wanted to control their subjects had some form of arms control.  Communism, facist, what ever name you want to put on it, if it is a repressive society they control the means the people have to defend themselves.  It is even in the Bible.  Look in 1st Samuel 13:19-22.  The Philistines wanted to control the Israelites so they would not let smiths (makers of weapons) ply their trade in the land.  You had to go see a government approved smith if you need work done. (a.k.a. weapons control)  Therefore when Saul wanted to start an army there was no weapons in the land.

There are those who are afraid of felons, rightly so.  They believe a rule, law against guns will make it safer for them.  As pointed out, the criminal who wants to harm you will use whatever they have.  Besides there is already laws against harming you.  They don’t care about that law, do you believe a weapons control law will be obeyed by them.

Consider this, there are those who have declared they want to harm and supress you, both in our nation and without.  They will use the previous group to get the laws passed to supress you, then when they have no means to defend themselves they will destroy the previous group.  It has been done before and will be done again.

Only in America have we had a government set up that gave us such freedom.  Our fore fathers have warned us that we must fight to preserve the freedoms we have.  Their words are written in history and spoken again by your fathers and grandfathers.  If we are not willing to take the stand to preserve the freedoms we had, we will, as prophesied lose them and RIGHTLY SO!


I heard it twice this week and had a comment about Google.  I here it regularly, “You need to google it and find the truth.”  Why would I find the truth on Google?  it only spits out the results of the searches it completes.  And what does it search for, not the truth or the lies, just the words you put in.

How much stuff floating around the internet is garbage?  Anybody can write anything and it will eventually hit the search engines.  It does not matter if it is true or false.  You cannot believe everything you hear – Momma used to say.  The same is true here, you can’t believe all you read on the internet.

You can’t even believe all you read in the news paper; what makes you think you can believe everything you read on the internet?  If everyone had to tell the truth only, many would have little to say.  If people did not manipulate facts or create fiction, there would be less arguments.  I believe little of what I hear or read, and then I consider the source.

We use to call it lying in America.  We use to call those who lie, liars; now we call them reports, and politicians.  Someone will take offense of that statement, but be warned I consider it lying or deceitful if you do not tell the WHOLE truth.  How often do you hear a story told, but some fact is left out that would change the whole story.  We have that happening all the time.  News stories use clips of long statements that appear to make a person say something they did not say but makes the point they would have us believe.

Be careful about what you believe. Verify what is said. Just because you find it in print, or on the net, or said on tv or the radio doesn’t mean it is true.  Trust only after you verify.